Have a Question for Us? Check Out Our Top 4 FAQs...
Over the last few decades, Interior Design has been a growing field; and the general public has become more aware of the role Designers play in the building process. However, with TV shows that highlight a project from start to finish in one episode, a year of hard work is condensed into a 30-minute TV show. Most of us are left confused about what it really takes to complete a renovation or new build.
Here I will dig into a few common questions that I am often asked. This should help clear up some of the mystery around why a Designer is a valuable asset in a build project.
FAQ #1: How do I know if I need an interior designer?
Here are some thoughts to consider:
Do you want a home that is cohesive and unified throughout each space of the home? Do the many decisions that need to be made on a new construction build intimidate you? Do you have a clear vision of what you want your home to look like but have no idea how to make it happen? Do you want your home to flow seamlessly and support your family’s lifestyle?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, you would benefit from working with a Designer. When I become involved with a renovation or new construction project from the beginning, I have the opportunity to ensure that the space of your home is used to its full potential.
My experience and training have taught me to understand how we use spaces. Additionally, I can give my clients a space that is not only beautiful but functions well. I achieve this by starting with interviews and asking SO MANY QUESTIONS! I really get to know you and your family and learn how your lifestyle will need to be supported by your home.
Next, we will move into building a concept or overall direction for the feel of the home. This concept that we will create together will direct every decision that is made through the design process. Then I will design the home based on the information that I have gathered.
At this point, we will work with your builder or GC to ensure that our vision comes to fruition. The true value of a Designer lies in our ability to save our clients from making costly mistakes and keeping the project in line with the final vision.
FAQ #2: How long will my project take?
Depending on the scope and size of a project, the timeline can vary. Over the last few years, our industry has struggled with chain supply issues due to COVID and the resulting effects on the economy. While the time it takes to get products has improved, there are still specialty items that are taking a long time to deliver; such as appliances, windows, furniture, and more. Projects that would have been 10 - 12 months for new construction are taking more than 18 -20 months, due to long lead time with windows and other necessary building supplies.
As an example of a project with minor changes, let's imagine that we are painting, adding trim, and a few architectural details, replacing lighting, and ordering new furniture. In this case, the longest wait time would be for the furniture. I would encourage you not to be hesitant to build or start your project; the time will pass regardless.
However, I would encourage you to hire a team who will plan ahead. For larger projects, it might be advisable to hold off on the start of the project until you have all (or the majority) of those necessary supplies before construction begins. To this purpose, having a fully flushed out design in advance can benefit you and your team; and will help all of us to be more fully prepared.
FAQ #3: Can you work with furniture or items I already own?
Working with items you already own can be challenging. However, if your project involves family heirlooms or special vintage pieces that have meaning or sentimental value, then I say “Hell yes, we are going to use them!”
I love to include vintage or antique pieces into a design; they make a home feel well rounded and complete. When we begin the design process, the first step will be to go through each space we are working with and photo document what is currently in the home. We use this information to determine if any of the items can work seamlessly into the new design.
I do encourage my clients to strongly consider the final vision of their home; to be comfortable in knowing that the piece they want to use will align with the final design. If it does not, then you should consider giving it to another family member, selling it, or donating it.
Not all furniture styles will work for the final design. For example, a client has come to me and said, “I just bought this sofa and rug, it just doesn’’t work but I need you to make it work.” In this case, I would encourage my client to sell the item. If the sofa and rug are not working then there is probably nothing that I can do to change that for you. (Trust me, I tried, and all we ended up doing was wasting time and changing it anyhow.)
I personally have two items in my home that mean more to me than any other piece because they have family history and bring value to me:
The first is my favorite mirror from my grandmother. I have a photo of my aunt as a teenager with this same mirror hanging in the background. Each time I look into this mirror, I am reminded of all the sleep overs and fond memories of growing up in that home.
The second item was a very sad looking settee that was given to my husband from his grandmother. But there was something in the shape of this item that intrigued me. I was certain that with a little TLC, it could be very beautiful.
Shortly after his grandmother had given the bench to us, she became very ill and was not going to be with us much longer. We decided that we wanted to have it reupholstered while she was still able to enjoy it. I brought her some of the fabric options that I was considering, and I allowed her to make the final decision (she chose my favorite option).
Our upholstery shop suggested a wonderful idea to help retain the history of this heirloom. We decided to write down the full story of where it was from and what it had meant to her. We then collected a few clippings from the layers of the old fabric that we had removed, and hid this secret treasure under the seat. The next person to refurbish this bench will have a sweet surprise about its history.
FAQ #4: What does a typical investment look like?
Many factors are taken into account when considering both furnishings and construction investments. Some things to keep in mind will be the scope of the project, the location, as well as other conditional issues.
Pricing estimates will vary depending on the contractor that you choose, timing of the project, and whether a full design layout has been provided to the contractor. With enough accurate information, an expert who has experience in recent projects will be able to provide a close estimate.
I am typically able to provide a general range of the final project investment, simply by knowing design direction and general plan of the ultimate goals.
Based on an average of about $114 per square foot for a custom-built starter home, at 3,000 square feet the final cost would be about $350k. Adding elevated design with luxury features can significantly increase the ultimate investment cost. Depending on the extent of the upgrades, the final result may be closer to $800K to over $1M.
Our family is currently in the process of a smaller renovation/addition to our own home. We are adding just under 700 square feet including a playroom and two bedrooms. The most challenging aspect of this project so far has simply been securing a contractor for the job. No fewer than 5 companies had come out initially to bid our project; but only two followed through with estimates. The bids that we received ranged from $65K to $115K.
This significant cost discrepancy motivated my husband and me to diligently review our contracts toensure the accuracy of every detail. After careful review of our plans, we felt more prepared to retain the best contractor for our job.
With a bit of persistence and a plan to help us, we were able to contract with a company that specializesin small to medium size projects. We are currently on track for the finished project cost of about $85K once completed.
I have put together a free investment guide to help get you started on your journey to a newly designed home.
If you have additional questions we didn't answer in this post, reach out to us. We would love to chat and answer those questions!